This list is aimed at helping all the tons of folks from the oakland Beehive stay in touch. (Also the left overs from the Upstage - there was always a lot of overlap and after the Upstage closed a fair number of Upstage folks moved to the retronight at the Beehive.) So, if you are part of one or more of the many different groups that used to 'live' at the Beehive, join in. I imagine there's going to be a fair amount of folks who don't know each other but I'm sure there'll always be someone you know on the list.
This list is private by the way. If you have questions about whether or not you should sign up, send me e-mail with your questions (sean at (By the way, mention something to jog my memory of who you are, or which 'Fred' you are.)
On the other hand, if we invited you here, go ahead and sign up! (The only reason we don't actually take care of the sign up for you is that you need to pick a password so you can easily unsubscribe, or change to digest format, or whatever.)
To post a message to all the list members, send email to beehiverefugees at (But you have to subscribe first - see below).
Beehiverefugees Archives (available only to list members).
BeehiveRefugee's main Mailman List Info Page
Note: This is the standard Mailman list manager interface for managing your mailman account. It can be a bit confusing, which is why we have the page you're looking at now.