Basic Technology |
| Android Absolute Beginner |
| Android Nexus 5 Unboxing |
| A Primer on Android |
| A Brief Description of XML SAX and DOM |
| The Domain Name System |
| LambaMOO Programming Tutorial (very rough draft) |
| Mac, Windows and Linux: Those Annoying Commercials |
| A Non-Technical Description of XML |
| Revision Control Systems |
| SSL Explained |
| Software Problems |
| Truly Secure Web Servers |
| Unfucking Your PC |
| Unix Permissions |
| Using ssh agent |
| What Is Cloud Computing |
Java |
| EJBs vs. JavaBeans |
| Elements of Programming, in Java |
| Getting Java Swing |
| HTTP Post in Java |
| Java Collections API Made Stupid |
| Java Hosting Generally Sucks |
| J2EE Overview (JSP, Servlets, etc) |
| Java Logging Overview |
| Servlet Filtering and No-Cache |
| Java Servlets Introduction |
| Kludging Text Parsing In Java |
| Java Wish List |
| Javascript and Servlets |
| Learning to Program (in Java or Perl) |
| The Real Basics of Programming in Java (for non-programmers) |
| Redirects and Security |
| A Brief Tutorial on Image Manipulation In Java |
| Servlet Server To Server Authentication |
| Tomcat Administrator Cheatsheet |
| Tomcat Administrator Jump Start |
| Tomcat Connection Pooling Example |
| Why I Hate JSP |
| Interface vs. Abstract in Java |
Java Web Application Development |
| Java Web App Development Overview |
| Java Web App Development: What is a Webapp? |
| Java Web App Development: What is J2EE? |
| Java Web App Development: The Servlet Engine |
| Java Web App Development: The Servlet Framework |
| Java Web App Development: Classpaths and Classloaders |
| Java Web App Development: The Web Application Model |
| Java Web App Development: Inside HTTP |
| Java Web App Development: Browser State |
Job Hunting |
| Career Strategy |
| Consulting Intro |
| Getting Job Leads |
| Job Negotiations |
| Job Shop Life |
| Job Titles |
| Offshoring |
| Networking: Being "On the Make" |
| Map of the Career Field |
| Required Skills in Job Descriptions |
| Resume Advice |
| Dealing With the Unemployment Office |
Life and Philosophy |
| Buying A Used Car From a Used Car Dealer |
| Thoughts on Columbine |
| Communicating For Geeks |
| Defense Industry Jobs |
| The Domain Name System |
| Drugs and Alcohol, the Real Orientation |
| The Financial Crisis In 4000 Words |
| The History of Intellectual Property |
| Intellectual Property Is Fraud |
| Internet Bubble Rant |
| Internet Crash Rant |
| Job Titles |
| Lexicon |
| Lexicon, Undecided |
| Mac, Windows and Linux: Those Annoying Commercials |
| The Infamous McDonald's Coffee Lawsuit |
| The Myth of Commercial Tech Support |
| Neal Stephenson and Too Many Things |
| Outlook Rant |
| Respect |
| Self-Defense For Normal People |
| Why Usenet Was Usenet (It's the Culture) |
| Uncertainty |
| Unknown Technologies |
| Voting Machines Absolutely Need Paper Trails |
| Why Writers Write |
Linux |
| Migrating Linux To New Hardware |
| Understanding Linux Distros |
Perl |
| Learning to Program (in Java or Perl) |
| Suggested Perl Books |
| Perl CPAN Modules |
| Perl Gems and Flaws |
| Simple Tutorial |
Software Development |
| Beginning Software Consulting |
| A CVS Primer (The Big Picture) |
| CVS via SSH, aka CVS Securely |
| Offshoring |
| Complexity In Software |
| The Seamy Underside of Git |
| Using ssh agent |
| What Is Cloud Computing |
Web Applications |
| HTTP Post in Java |
| J2EE Overview (JSP, Servlets, etc) |
| Servlet Filtering and No-Cache |
| Java Servlets Introduction |
| Javascript and Servlets |
| Redirects and Security |
| Servlet Server To Server Authentication |
| Tomcat Administrator Cheatsheet |
| Tomcat Administrator Jump Start |
| Tomcat Connection Pooling Example |
| What Is Cloud Computing |
| Why I Hate JSP |
technology |
| What I want in a Unix Book, Outline |
General |
| AltaVista Advanced Search Tutorial |
| Avoiding Repetetive Stress Injury |
| Avoiding Repetetive Stress Injury |
| Basic College Advice |
| Becoming A Technical Writer |
| Brief Description of XML SAX and DOM |
| Browser Mime Types |
| CGI/Perl Basics |
| CGI Basics |
| Cobol Copybook Format |
| Code Comment Standards |
| Convolution Kernel Example |
| Developers Intranet |
| E-Business Platforms |
| E-Commerce 1 |
| E-Commerce 2 |
| E-Commerce 3 |
| FAQs For Recruiters |
| Favorite Emacs Features |
| Fight Your Speeding Ticket |
| Functional Specs |
| Google Sketchup Notes |
| Homeowners Handbook |
| Http Cookie Sniffing |
| Http Cookie Sniffing |
| Human Performance Metrics |
| Installing Ruby On Rails 3 on Ubuntu 12.4 Precise Pangolin with rbenv |
| Installing Ruby On Rails 3 on Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx with rvm |
| JPEG vs Gif |
| Jakarta Road Map |
| Mechanical Connectors for Knockdown Furniture |
| LambdaMOO Programming Tutorial |
| Learning To Program in C |
| Online or On-Line |
| The Original Notablog |
| Original Notablog |
| Pricing |
| Programming For Technical Writers |
| Reinventing Bitcoin |
| Rsync: Enough Rope... |
| Sleep Advice |
| Sleep Update |
| Tips for Running a Gaming Con |
| Tips for Running A Gaming Con |
| Trouble Ticket Applications: What Are They? |
| Troubleshooting Your Internet Connection |
| Ubiquitous Computing |
| Ubuntu Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet |
| What I Want In A Unix Book Outline |
| What Is A Technical Writer |
| Writing for Programmers |
| Writing or Dialog |
| The X-Men: A Short Introduction |
| diffie hellman |
| enterprise applications jee |
| ssh login shell |
| understanding linux distros |